Dear Ainslie Campbell Residents and Friends

There is a better location for this ugly telecommunications tower

The ACT Government’s Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) has approved the construction of a 28m telecommunications tower on the corner of Limestone Avenue and Quick St.  This despite significant feedback from Ainslie and Campbell residents preferring one of the other potential sites that were assessed because it would have less environmental and visual impact.

We contend that this tower would be better placed further away from the Limestone Avenue and Quick Street corner where it will be in plain sight of residents, recreational walkers and all motorists driving through that area. There are other more appropriate sites available that also cover the target area for this facility.  One of the alternative sites proposed was just below the fire trail, in an area surrounded by trees, screening it from the suburb, as shown below.

Rest assured we have no issue with the necessity of improving mobile telecommunications – it’s an essential service.  Further, you would be aware that the Friends of the Ainslie Volcanics Grasslands, a volunteer group working under Urban Parks and Places, has been working hard to rehabilitate this area.  This is a remnant but degraded area of Natural Temperate Grassland.

We assume that, Indara, the telecommunications company’s preference for this site is because it’s a less expensive and easier construction location.  We have been seeking a meeting with Indara to discuss moving to these alternative locations without success.  The wishes of the local community seem not to matter.

The only option has been to oppose the ACTPLA decision in ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT).  This means the community representatives need to take on the combined resources of the ACT Government and Indara to review the decision.  This power imbalance is not fair.

As advised by ACTPLA interested parties have the right to review this approval decision.  The North Canberra Community Council (NCCC) will be attending an ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) review of the Development Application (DA) 202342438/S141A/S141B at 10 am Wednesday 15 January.  This is the DA seeking to erect a mobile telecommunication tower with associated apparatus and security fence on Block 3 Section 60, Ainslie.

Despite the previous advice from ACTPLA, lawyers for the proponent are now saying that the approval decision cannot be reviewed by ACAT.  We believe that the basis for the original approval was flawed and should be reviewed.  We also believe that a better decision for a location could be achieved in a ‘good will’ meeting between the community representatives and Indara.

We are seeking your support in two ways:

  • Please write to the Chair of Indara, Ms Sue O’Connor and our ACT Government representatives in Kurrajong to arrange a meeting seeking a better location for this tower.  Their contact details are listed below.
  • Provide support for this campaign by contacting Marianne Albury-Colless, details below
Indara Bush Heritage
Ms Sue O’Connor BAppSc, GDipBus Mgt, FAICD
Chair President
Level 1, 110 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Level 10, 637 Flinders St, Docklands, VIC 3008

We would welcome you to attend to hear the ACAT discussion on 15th January and if all goes well on 17th January for a further hearing.

For more information on this campaign go to either the North Canberra Community Council or Ainslie Residents Association websites.

Wishing you all the very best for the New Year.

Ian Hubbard
Chair, Ainslie Residents Association
Secretary, North Canberra Community Council
Marianne Albury-Colless
North Canberra Community Council
Committee Member
Friends of Ainslie Volcanics Grasslands

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